Sunday, May 3, 2015


Finished my first half marathon...and was not picked up by the sweeper bus! :)
It's pretty unbelievable how fast it all came about.
The day of the race, we got up at 6 am to have our favorite banana, chocolate, peanut butter overnight oats and then went off to Margaret Island for the start. Weather was a bit windy but the sun was shining by the time we were lined up in the corrals.

So much anticipation and excitement in the corral as we waited for the first few groups (the legit trying to win the race runners). We were in the back in good company:
Racing with a baby!

And then we were off! With a fist pump of the giant inflatable pink balloon, the run started. It was a little uphill at first (literally) and then we crossed over to the Pest side to welcoming cheers and motivating drum beats. The whole race was a purely mental game. Coming around to the Chain Bridge en route to the Buda side (halfway point) is when I had my first inkling of...why am I doing this? Followed by self-chiding---just keep going, just keep going. I was the little engine that could.
I think I can, I think I can-- (gulp down iso water and banana mush)--run, run, run...last uphill...back down to the island...oyy jelly legs...last 2K!...why is it so long?...omg...finish line in sight...DONE! :)

V for vegan training! 
or not... :-P
end of great chapter in our adventures--vegan half marathon :)
Afterwards, we chowed down on a phenomenal brunch. Then had very limited walking and stair climbing abilities for a couple days.
But within 3 days, I was ready to run again. And in all the post-race excitement and desire for another goal to work towards...casually started looking into some marathons...
So now, making it official--October 4, 2015 we are going to run the Portland Marathon!
Gloria and I will both be heading back to the U.S. this fall and it is the 26th year of our lives, so what better time to run 26 miles? :)

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