Friday, February 27, 2015

Yann Tiersen

Amélie is probably my most listened to movie soundtrack. My college biffle/music guru introduced it to me. Thus, it became the background to many all-nighters and intense essay writing sessions. So naturally when I learned Yann Tiersen, the composer, would be performing in Budapest, I bounced on the tickets. 

Before the concert, I only knew his work in Amélie, but coming out of it---he is soooo much more than just that one soundtrack. It was likely one of the best concerts I've been to based on the quality, creativity and range of musical compositions. Plus, I loved his attitude. Dude is definitely the shit and he just works his magic on stage without too many extra frills/words. Here are a couple videos to share some snippets of his awesomeness--

A little homage to Amélie

Jack of all trades!

A year ago, Yann and co. met a guy named Martin in Berlin. Martin had composed this collection for the East German Olympic program from 1972-83 and this is the first time it's being performed live. Crazy cool mix!

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