Monday, January 26, 2015


Illicit encounters between the library stacks?

Today I got a library card and a haircut (bangs).
My first library trolls started when I was five. Everyday after school, I would walk there with my mom and just lay out a spread of books. I couldn't read or speak English yet, but something about the library atmosphere and the feel of the pages had me hooked. Growing up I always idolized the quintessential bookworm character (Matilda!) and spent hours devouring books. I went through various phases from mysteries to the classics and of course the Harry Potter rush. My childhood dream was to be a jockey based purely on my 3rd grade obsession with Black Beauty and other horse books (my first actual horseback ride was at age 22).

When I entered college, the library also became a notable study haunt.
Swem Library and its classic floor breakdowns:
1st floor: where you went to "do work" but really hang out and socialize
2nd floor: casual everyday studying with some light chit-chat
3rd floor: get-shit-done--not a pin drop or flip flop to be heard (or so they say...)

The best was when the library opened up 24 hours during finals. The line outside on the first day was longer than Black Friday sales and once the doors opened, it was every man/woman for themselves. You claimed a space and marked your territory. Mattresses, lamps, posters... I may have also built a fort in there at one point...

Needless to say, libraries are one of my favorite places to explore and settle down in. As I'm currently working remotely, I figured the best new setting would be the local library. All morning I hummed my favorite Arthur song in anticipation of my new library card--

And here it is--my new library: Fővárosi Szabó Ervin Könyvtár 

Library facade

Entrance foyer--love the architecture here
Staircase in the modern part
Wandering into the classic area-part of a 19th century palace
Wall of philosophy books, spiral wooden staircase & comfy couches with a fireplace to the right. 
Excited for the new office :)

And then I wandered over to get a haircut. All my pictures from the age of 5 to 10 involve awkward straight across bangs complementing my soccer/football chubby face. But I wanted a change and thought maybe I can try it out once more...Well, I walked out looking a bit like the Wicked Witch of the West with all the "trendy styling" and shocked myself whenever I passed a mirror. A change to sleep on I suppose. 


  1. I remember your black beauty allnighter story!! Lol it was one of my favorite segments of our night chats

    1. haha yes, started early with those all-nighters ;)
